Though College Week are usually characterized by spending time with family and eating delicious food around a big table, there are ways to get in the holiday spirit at college. It’s always hard leaving behind family holiday traditions, but being at college creates the opportunity to form new traditions with your new friends.

It’s such a fun idea to go to different events surrounding the holidays that your college offers. Though your family may not be there to celebrate with you, your friends and peers can become your new family. Going to a college community can be just the thing to lift your spirits and relieve stress. The beautiful banderitas remind you of this magical time of year and encourage you to embrace it before it’s over. Maybe the food isn’t as good as your school homemade version (it’s definitely not…) but singing songs (even if it’s with a bunch of strangers) can give you that feeling of warmth, comfort, and familiarity, especially if you are one of the only ones sticking around for finals.

Maybe celebrating the college week at college isn’t quite like celebrating them atschool with your family, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have just as much fun. Instead of trying to compare celebratingcollege week at college with celebrating them at school, for new memories with new people that you’ll have to look forward to the next year. Soon, you may be wondering how you ever celebrated holidays any differently.